Tragical Space Dogs

26 February 2019

Party time first! Atlantis did a demo for the BCC Party in Berlin (Feb 22-24), called 'BEEzarro'. It was nice to work on some wonky stuff as usual so congrats to the gang (Tsurugi, Qzer0W, Doc Science, Divertigo, DMD) for frolicking fung ku. You can check the demo right here.

Beside the demo, Snabel blasted a cool SID and I had a petscii entry as well called 'A small Riddle'.

While at parties, I also had this mc called 'BlueJay' released at Compusphere party last November, featuring one of the characters from Space Moguls C64 game.

And while at Space Moguls, which is one of the most richest strategy games on C64, a reminder that it has been released by Protovision and it packs some awesome goodies to assist you in digging some rare materials on Alia Terra!

The box lid art is dedicated to the memory of Jean Giraud aka Gir/Moebius.

Digital Talk 104 came out in December as usual with various news covering all sorts of events on Commodore scene. It also has an interview with those SNAQZ guys about that Dredd game, an interview with Carl about Space Moguls and Tony talks about l'Abbaye des Morts game among many other things, just make sure to grab your favourite German speaking person for the occasion. ;)

The newest 2019 8bit annual is kickstartering but in meantime I have illustrated two winner entries for the compo held by these chaps some time ago. The winning games in question are Space Phantom (cpc) and Chibi Akumas:Tragical Chase (cpc, enterprise, msx), now turned into posters as a part of the winners award, besides some other goodies.

And while at crazy games, I've also drawn some posters/tape inlays for 4 games, two for zx spectrum and two for both cpc/zx - 'Moritz and the meds', 'Mike the guitar', 'Moritz strikes back' and 'Mike the guitar: the shooter!' all games done by the same team - Sebastian Braunert and Uwe Geiken.

Gotta say, these are some brilliant concepts. When someone throws a request for a drawing of a dog with a gatling gun shooting down the medication, then by George (of Vermont) ~ Let's Dance!

For the end, currently working on a C64 game with Antonio Savona , called 'Demonyo'. The game is inspired with something we both like in olde crime/giallo movies and comics of the yesteryear. Something part Fantomas part Diabolik and all Kriminal/Satanik! To be visualised in hires glory with music/sfx by Ald.

More information about this game next time...


Posted at 23:48 in C64, Games, Illustrations

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